Monday, 5 November 2012

Human Trajectories | Architecture Fiction_presentation | 05112012

_ project 02

human trajectories

_pecha kucha style presentation

:: Storyboard of selected imagery to express the architecture fiction in Queen St Mall, Myer Centre entry.
A delineation of human movement, space & time expressed in the medium of art and community.

:: Individual panels, presentation order

:: Highlighting the realm between building, facade and exterior - from Project 01 framework.

Reality: The proposed design incorporates the ideals of technology and human interaction within its facade. The necessity for delivering a future scenario of human interaction and technological-based art and community will be vital to the juxtaposition of art and architecture. A technological art and culture expression.
Creativity: The storyboard follows as the characterisation of the space is revealed. The Human Trajectories facade/ building is highlighted in a manor to convey an abstract and surreal projection to the receiver.

Purpose: It is imperative to incorporate the likes of experiential architecture into this future scenario. It expressed a realm of being, interpreted by transit, transition and passing. It elaborates on not only the physical bounds but the psychology of architecture in space, time and place. As Brisbane's population growth expands, the need for implementing infrastructure and existing buildings becomes imperative: expansion projects in several verticals. Human Trajectories offers a dimension of new characteristics, sociocultural expansion and virtual experience within the threshold of the facade.
Navigation: Approaching the architectural entity is captured by the intuitive, general transition between buildings and destinations in Queen St Mall. Highlighted for the Myer Centre entry, there are several points of entry and projection throughout the facade - All levels in the Myer Centre and transit past the Myer Centre entry E level.
Integrity: The facade consists of structural steel, concrete and glazed glass to enhance the projection of art, two-sided spatial arrangement, and to adhere to the existing qualities of the Myer Centre building.

Presence & identity: The importance of the facade in its location has been signified due to the main mode of human traffic through its centre. The Myer Centre is a hub for recreational, shopping and dining facilities, which emphasises the placement of the facade. Movement is projected significantly through the Myer Centre entries and exits, but also creates a busy thoroughfare and threshold between the realms of interior and external qualities.
First-person experience: The experiential qualities highlighted in the facade are conveyed on a micro and macro level. It creates the interaction of movement throughout the entity whilst creating spatial dynamic. Some spaces within the facade are to be experienced on a large and smaller scale, from the excessive projection galleries to smaller performance spaces.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Architecture Fiction_summary poster | 04112012

_Summary poster for Human Trajectories Architecture Fiction

_Abstract notation of movement, reacting to flow of human traffic > Queen St Mall/ Myer Centre

Saturday, 3 November 2012

_Project|Momentum | 03112012

_Conceptual movie

> first-person circulation, sketch

Understanding the expression of movement throughout the site and facade. This short movie can elaborate on the drafted experiential qualties of the site and psychological perceptions of the outlined spaces.


Friday, 2 November 2012

_Project|Momentum | 02112012

_Predicted circulation & experiential movement

base_level | human movement

ground_level | human movement

level_1 | human movement

level_2 | human movement

level_3 | human movement