Sunday, 30 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 30092012

_Contour model 1:2000

Ehancing dimensions, context and placement of spaces to scale.

> Creating an understanding of building, grid and street context reflected on Queen St mall. This model helped to achieve further understanding of the propsed site and adjacent streets/ buildings.

Friday, 28 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 28092012

_Architectural inspirations & art forms

Architectural formations in the expression of art and movement.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 26092012

_Transport analysis & abstract projections

Noting transition qualities to site | Brisbane City

Monday, 24 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 240912

Week .10

Identifying the transition of art & architectural ideas through sketch, and understanding the transition of spatial significance in the proposed 'Arts Subdivision'. Identifying a lind of demarcation within the script, stage and scene. These images enhance train of thought before tutorial discussion.

Spatial subtraction
| Deliverance of spatial compositions within a frame, space within space and extraction

Human scale at multitudes_ Queen St mall section

Human scale at incline

Through these visual investigations, the prominence of facadism suggested an inert change in architectural ideas which highlighted the work of Xavier Delory. His photographic works are an exploration of the disconnectedness of modern man and emphasises landscape in its heightened mutation as it drifts from social, cultural and historical contexts.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 230912

Week .9

Exploring the modems of architectural subliminaries | arts

These philosophies are explored to heighten the ideas of Brisbane's context; an exploration of the arts/ cultural scene, Queen Street mall as the backdrop and the notions of the artists expectations of space. Drawing a conclusion from the subjection of art & paintings.

Exploration of these modems through artistic conclusion and abstraction of thought processors.

I have begun this exploration by interpreting Australian artist Arthur Boyd's transitions of Australian and indigenous heritages. An exploration of time and subclusion features my interpretation of Persecuted Lovers (1957-58).

Persecuted Lovers, 1957-58

Persecuted Lovers (interpretation), 2003

These images show a delineation of my own transition through creative momentum and interpretation of Authur Boyd's painting by means of changing the painting style to a geometrical contrast. The figures are purposefully disfigured and painted in several layerings.

_Project|Momentum | 230912

Week .8

Project 02 | process

Sectional Investigation - idea sketch

Queen St mall_section

Nodal investigation of mall

 Heighteing the expression of mapping - projection mapping, Virtual Brisbane - interactive planning

Saturday, 22 September 2012

_IX architecture as assistive devices

Week .9 reflectere

The realm of architecture as an assistive device may be interpreted on different levels and consistencies - As an entity to provide social characteristics, psychological reaction, environmental consistencies and space. The ideologies surrounding the proposed architectural entity may feature this concept in the finalised design. As a platform, architecture within this project can be interpreted simultaneously. Experiential qualities can be defined on an interactive level, interest in arts communities, interaction between humans, human contact, psychological contact and retail.

The concept of architecture as media suggests the differential theories of interactive, first-person and collaborative experiences. This idea is interesting as it can be conveyed on a two dimensional level; interactive with sensory elements. This may also employ characteristics of spatial development and place development. An instigation of scenic expression, facilitation and human insight. Within the project, the design might incorporate intuitve spaces, ideologies of time and space, which can empower the architectural stage. Retail can be a minor foundation for this stage (emphasised on the initial level): the Myer Centre may project this device at its entities to incorporate human movement and progression.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 18092012

_Site analysis

Human movement through the site

> myer centre entry E lv.

_Project|Momentum | 18092012

_Site analysis

Photographic analysis

:: Identifying site context, human movement within site & existing arts/ community entities.

Here, I was able to grasp the consistent, inconsistent, static and sequential (low, high peak) movements through the immediate proposed site. There was a heightened area of this movement emphasised by the Myer Centre entry (E lv.).


Sunday, 16 September 2012

_VIII sustainability isn't about being green

_week .8 reflectere

Sustainability is a concept and word that has been politically, economically-driven and environmentally heightened. Reiterating the ideologies highlighted previously in ‘Green washing’ emphasis on sustainability can most certainly be applied to every consistency of infrastructure and design. It also emphasises the impacts on lifestyle, personal preference and choices made to reflect a sustainable future.
It was interesting to note the development of built environments in this instance but also to signify the concept of linear progression, greatly signified in the concept of architecture fiction. This can be delivered on several levels, emphasising the short and long-term imperatives of a building. My architectural fiction may embody the effects of a continuous ideology that is preserved in the spaces, places and time.
There seems to be no value in preserving a building due to its age, seeming useless useability and refuse. The discourse of design and adaption can be denoted through sequential ideas and process. Ephemeral dynamics and dimensional characteristics can create a detailed scope of strategies for architecture futures. Adaptation is an important component to the ideologies and outcomes of sustainability. In Australia’s context, employing sustainability frameworks has highlighted the repercussions of unsustainable spaces.


Friday, 14 September 2012

_Project|Momentum | 14092012

_Site analysis

Identifying context in relation to city macro and micro significances.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

_VII reflectere_prima

Week .7

Preliminary map making

The significance of map making will explore the extensions of the concept of Brisbane City and possibilities in a macro demographic. To highlight the experiential qualities of archicture fiction within the city, I wished to explore the traditional mediums of mapping and emphasise the framework for this project.

Nolli Map_ Brisbane City

Vehicular movement approx_40 +/- kms peak

Pedestrian movement_3kms

The above maps are a suggestive conceptual implementation of current tranportation nodes as depicted via my own interpretations - driving and walking through the peak and masses.

Monday, 10 September 2012

_VII architecture fiction

Week .7 reflectere

As a precursor to the ideologies of Architecture Fiction, reflecting on the first project suggested a delineation of science fiction. Although it was forwarded that Project 01 inclined a dramatic future scenario only within 20 years, its purpose was to explore the boundlessness of an architectural future. This was contradictory in this week’s lecture about the implementations of new technologies in shopping scenarios; far less superior to the robust notions of the group’s inspirations.

These philosophies can greatly stem into the inquisitions of everyday life, utilitarian values and a generalised consumerist lifestyle. The disposition of current transportation and functional architecture set an idealistic ‘libretto’ and vista for a monumental architectural scenario.

Influenced by the theory of Architectural Phenomenology - philosophy of contemporary architecture